根据新西兰劳动部 CareerNZ (www.careers.govt.nz)和 AbsoluteIT调查结果 测试工程师每小时工资是初级:60美元/小时,中级:70美元/小时,经理:100美元/小时
招聘信息网站Seek上可以查到 平均超过1,000 软件测试工程师招募广告(www.seek.co.nz) 。此外,还有200多家供应商只提供AIIT的工作的机会。
以测试工程师可以开发在不同领域工作。软件测试员,手动测试员,自动话测试员, 敏捷测试员, 测试分析师, 测试员理及保安测试员等
Job Ready Program 是什么?
Tester Job Ready项目是专为那些想要开始软件测试工程师的人而设计。 这是一个程序,使您能够通过国际认证培训和取得认证书还有实习和就业是可以开始测试工程师工作

Step 1 : Training
Training Classroom & Online
All our classroom training is based on ISTQB International certification scheme which will be led by ISTQB trainer. You will have a Online training access. Upskill yourself with training delivered at a location that is convenient for you
Duration : 4 weeks ~ 8 weeks
2 sessions per week, 3 hours per session in the morning/afternoon/evenings for Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu
Participants need to sit the ISTQB certification official exam in order to acquire the certification. So, We provide sample exams. Participants need to achieve 65% in order to pass the examination. You can retake exam if you fail.
Provides necessary support to take a next step. All our training is supervised by our leaderships.
Our community provides more than 35,000 software testing related ebooks, articles and certification resources. All FREE. 120,000 testers are sharing each others. (softwaretesters.net)
All our candidate will have a free access to our online training system. Study at your own time.
We have live online courses led by instructor.
Step 2 : 实习
实习保证! 确保提供在政府项目或政府合作的公司实习
如果您已完成8周的培训并通过ISTQB认证考试,您可以开始实习。 我们保证100%的实习机会。在实习期间,提供与测试专家一对一指导。 无薪实习,参加实际进行中的项目。可以选择专职和兼职(每周3天)或兼职(夜间)。 在此期间,导师让您学到测试技术/沟通方法和分析技术等。实习之前,您签实习合书后成为测试团队的一员并在办公室工作。
期间: 8周
基本实习期间是8周,可是您可以申请延期。 大多数情况下可以接受,但在某些特殊情况下可能不接受请求。 其受相关法规的约束。其它事项按相关条款执行。
You will be guided by Testing Professors or senior testers 1:1 mentoring system.
In most cases, we will require you to sign a internship contract at the beginning of the project prior to starting your internship.
Can choose between Full-time or Part-time (3 days per week) or Part-time (Evenings)
We will have an interview simulation with you to prepare real job interview
You will be working in the office within a team
Every Week, we’ll have a performance review with employers and let you know your things to be improved.
Step 3 : 就业支持
按只有持有AIIT公司的招聘信息, 我们可以提供给学生招聘面试的机会。
* The features are different based on the plan you choose
Current Employers
Auckland Council, St John (Staffs: 2,500), Vector (Staffs: 2,000), Vodafone (Staffs: 3,000), Spark (Staff: 6,000), Datacom (Staffs: 5,000) and more